Double Sided Tape on 3D Printed Parts Strength Testing

Doubled sided adhesive tape can be used to attach 3D Printed parts to each other. We have done some testing with our preferred tape vendor (tesa tape) on which of their generally available tapes worked the best for both raw Nylon 12 (PA-12) parts as well as Nylon 12 parts that had been coated in Cerakote. Below you will find the results of this testing as well as clickable links to sources where this tape can be purchased.

Propertiestesa® 4964tesa® 4965tesa® 4970tesa® 4976
Thickness390 μm205 μm225 μm540 μm
Adhesive typeNatural rubberTackified acrylicTackified acrylicTackified acrylic
BackingClothPET FilmPVC filmPU Foam
More InfoClick HereClick HereClick HereClick Here

Tesa Cerakote Tape Compatibility Testing

90° Peel Adhesion:

Dwell Time: Immediate

Substrate4964 [N/cm]4965 [N/cm]4970 [N/cm]4976 [N/cm]
Raw Nylon Black6.96.2
Matte Black Cerakote5.03.7
Matte White Cerakote3.74.0
Matte Red Cerakote3.95.0
Newton centimeter is SI (System International) measurement unit of torque.

Dwell Time: 24 Hours

Substrate4964 [N/cm]4965 [N/cm]4970 [N/cm]4976 [N/cm]
Raw Nylon Black8.68.0
Matte Black Cerakote7.910.7
Matte White Cerakote8.28.1
Matte Red Cerakote8.29.5
Newton centimeter is SI (System International) measurement unit of torque.

Dwell Time: 72 Hours

Substrate4964 [N/cm]4965 [N/cm]4970 [N/cm]4976 [N/cm]
Raw Nylon Black5.
Matte Black Cerakote4.
Matte White Cerakote5.
Matte Red Cerakote3.
Newton centimeter is SI (System International) measurement unit of torque.

Dynamic Shear:

Dwell Time: Immediate

Substrate4964 [N/cm2]4965 [N/cm2]4970 [N/cm2]4976 [N/cm2]
Raw Nylon Black6887
Matte Black Cerakote4481
Matte White Cerakote4752
Matte Red Cerakote3959
NOTE: N/cm² – Newton per Square Centimeter Pressure Unit.

Dwell Time: 72 Hours

Substrate4964 [N/cm2]4965 [N/cm2]4970 [N/cm2]4976 [N/cm2]
Raw Nylon Black69100
Matte Black Cerakote47103
Matte White Cerakote6168
Matte Red Cerakote5289
NOTE: N/cm² – Newton per Square Centimeter Pressure Unit.

T Block:

Dwell Time: Immediate

Substrate4964 [N/cm2]4965 [N/cm2]4970 [N/cm2]4976 [N/cm2]
Raw Nylon Black1227
Matte Black Cerakote620
Matte White Cerakote921
Matte Red Cerakote720
NOTE: N/cm² – Newton per Square Centimeter Pressure Unit.

Dwell Time: 72 Hours

Substrate4964 [N/cm2]4965 [N/cm2]4970 [N/cm2]4976 [N/cm2]
Raw Nylon Black1124
Matte Black Cerakote1427
Matte White Cerakote1327
Matte Red Cerakote1325
NOTE: N/cm² – Newton per Square Centimeter Pressure Unit.

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