For more information on how the Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) printing process works please check out this page.
Category | Measurement | Value |
Mechanical properties | ||
Tensile strength, max load, XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 30 MPa / 4351 psi | |
Tensile strength, max load, ZX, XY | 30 MPa / 4351 psi | |
Tensile modulus, XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 2500 MPa / 363 ksi | |
Tensile modulus, ZX, XY | 2700 MPa / 392 ksi | |
Elongation at break, XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 10% | |
Elongation at break9, ZX, XY | 10% | |
Flexural strength (@ 5%), XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 57.5 MPa/8340 psi | |
Flexural strength (@ 5%), ZX, XY | 65 MPa/9427 psi | |
Flexural modulus10, XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 2400 MPa/348 ksi | |
Flexural modulus10, ZX, XY | 2700 MPa/392 ksi | |
Izod impact notched (@ 3.2 mm, 23ºC), XY, XZ, YX, YZ, ZX, ZY | 3 KJ/m2 | |
Thermal properties | ||
Heat deflection temperature (@ 0.45 MPa, 66 psi), XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 174 °C / 345 °F | |
Heat deflection temperature (@ 0.45 MPa, 66 psi), ZX, XY | 175 °C / 347 °F | |
Heat deflection temperature (@ 1.82 MPa, 264 psi), XY, XZ, YX, YZ | 114 °C / 237 °F | |
Heat deflection temperature (@ 1.82 MPa, 264 psi), ZX, XY | 120 °C / 248 °F | |
Certifications | ||
UL 94, UL 746A |
Material Certifications:
RAW – Part is left gray after beadblasting, this is the color of the parts after they come off the printer.
BLACK DYE – Part is dyed black after beadblasting, this is the standard finish for MJF PA-12 GB parts unless something else is requested by the customer. F3DP does not charge extra for this finish.
CERAKOTE – This is a ceramic based paint that can be applied to MJF PA-12 GB Parts, for more information please check out this page.
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