Tools in SolidWorks for Designing 3D Printed Parts

SolidWorks is an extremely popular 3D CAD software (and is what our inhouse engineering group uses) but what most users do not know is that there are tools in SolidWorks for designing 3D printed parts. These are scattered around the software and are not very well publicized so this page is intended to show you where to find them as well as give you a basic tutorial on how to use them.

How To Use The SolidWorks 3D Texture Tool for 3D Printed Parts

Want to add texture to your 3D printed part? Check out this guide on how to use the SolidWorks texture tool to make that happen!

How To Use The SolidWorks Mesh Editing Tools for 3D Printed Parts

Guide showing how to use the new mesh editing tools in SolidWorks 2022 in order to edit STL files for use with 3D Printers.

How To Use The SolidWorks Sketch Picture Tool for 3D Printed Parts

Need to trace a complex logo for use on your 3D printed parts? Check out this video explaining how to use this hidden gem in the SolidWorks software.

How To Design 3D Printable Threads using SolidWorks

Need to add 3D Printable threads into your 3D printed parts? This guide will show you a full workflow of adding threads that can be 3D Printed into a model in solid works using the hole wizard and thread commands. We also have a full page dedicated to this topic with a lot more information on it.

These are the tools in SolidWorks for designing 3D printed parts, we will continue to update this page as new versions of the software are released and hopefully more tools are added to help those of us designing parts that will be 3D Printed.

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